National Pasta Association is committed to protecting your privacy. We want you to understand and be comfortable with the ways we collect, store, and manage data to provide services and benefits and to deliver a personalized Internet experience.


Privacy settings

You can review and update your privacy settings at any time.

  • Click on the Edit/View Information to change your Do Not Contact Settings
    • Instead of receiving no emails, you may want to just opt out of a few categories/topics. On the main Profile pay, scroll down to the E-mail Opt Out header to click on the unsubscribe link.


Privacy policy

You can review our privacy policy to understand the ways we collect and use your data.


Terms of use

When you use our site, you agree to the terms of use.


For more information, or to makes changes offline, please contact us:

National Pasta Association

529 14th St NW, Ste. 750

Washington, DC 20045


[email protected]