How to Join

NPA Membership

Since the first U.S. commercial pasta plant was founded in 1848, pasta makers have needed to collaborate on manufacturing, marketing and regulatory issues among industry players. The National Pasta Association, the U.S. trade association of pasta industry manufacturers and suppliers, meets this collaborative need.

NPA offers three categories of membership...


Dry, fresh, and frozen pasta manufacturers, and value-added manufacturers

Producers of pasta which is used as an integral part of the finished product.


Manufacturer membership dues should be calculated based on the most recent annual sales data.


Those engaged in milling or processing semolina or flour for use in the manufacture of pasta products

Milling membership dues are $6,550.


The following are eligible to join as Associate Members:

Allied Products Members, who process products for us in the manufacture of pasta products and those manufacturing products that complement pasta products.

Supplier and Service Members, the manufacturers of equipment or supplies for use in making pasta products or furnishing services to the industry.

General Members, for entities with an interest in the development of the pasta industry.


Associate membership dues are $3,525.

Food Service

Those who prepare, deliver and serve prepared and ready-to-eat foods.

Distributors of pasta dishes including Business & Industry distributors, major restaurant chains, and individual restaurants.


Food service membership dues should be calculated based on the most recent annual sales data.


Those who sell goods to the consumer in small and/or large quantities.

Sellers including grocery chains and stores, club stores, wholesalers, and other retail stores.

Retail membership dues should be calculated based on the most recent annual sales data.

Learn more about the benefits of NPA membership or contact NPA Staff for assistance.

Applying for NPA membership is easier than ever

Please click here to visit our online membership portal and submit your membership application.


Please note that NPA has a ceiling for credit card payments of $5000. If trying to pay for a larger amount than $5000 via credit card, the payment will not authorize.