
Communication and Nutrition Committee (CNC)

The CNC oversees and directs NPA’s multiple communication streams and nutrition research. The committee outlines research to understand and develop positive messages about pasta to use in communications. This includes external communications directed toward the B2B audience to promote pasta consumption, and internal communications to NPA members. 


Durum Development Committee

The Durum Development Committee’s primary purpose is to research durum, beyond yield, to improve consumer acceptance and provide opportunities for new product development or other aspects of durum.  


Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee serves as the voice of NPA in the legislative and regulatory arenas to advance the interest of the pasta industry.  


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees proper management of NPA’s finances.  

  • Ensuring all NPA assets are held in Federally insured accounts and consolidating accounts. 
  • Construct and monitor NPA budget 
  • Work with a third-party CPA to conduct the annual review/audit


History Committee

The History Committee captures, preserves and showcases the rich history and contributions of the United States pasta industry with an eye toward enhancing professionalism for those in the business and increasing awareness with the general public. 


Membership Committee

The Membership Committee focuses on sustaining membership through recruitment and retention to drive revenue; increasing participation from all segments of past industry; diversifying the membership base; and creating greater involvement in the membership process by all active members.  


Members’ Education Committee

The Members’ Education Committee focuses on the design and delivery of education events for the pasta industry – through the production of superior annual meeting. 


Technical Affairs Committee

The Technical Affairs Committee works to ensure food safety in the pasta industry and confidence on the part of the consumer when purchasing industry products.